
Logbook Servicing
When you buy a new car, the warranty that comes with it protect you from certain unexpected expenses early in the vehicle’s life. To keep the protection of your warranty for as long as possible, it’s required that you bring your vehicle in for regular logbook servicing.
We can conduct logbook servicing on all makes and models of petrol, LPG and diesel vehicles, from passenger cars and light commercials to 4WDs and light trucks. We’ll give you advance warning of any developing mechanical faults, and you’ll drive away confident that your warranty has been kept intact.

Vehicle Inspections
Before selling or trading away your vehicle, it must first meet basic standards for use on the road set by VicRoads. This involves taking your vehicle to a licensed vehicle tester and having it undergo a roadworthy inspection.
We can arrange for a technician licensed by VicRoads to conduct roadworthy inspections on all manner of light vehicles, who will either issue it with a roadworthy certificate or provide the owner with a list of necessary repairs. We can also conduct pre-purchase inspections for used car buyers, to ensure they’re getting their money’s worth for their new secondhand vehicle.

Steering and Suspension
Worn or faulty components in your vehicle’s steering or suspension systems can cause many problems for your vehicle’s handling or overall ride comfort.
We can repair your suspension and steering with a range of replacement parts including car springs, shock absorbers and bushes. We can also repair your vehicle’s power steering systems and axle, to tighten up your vehicle’s handling, conduct wheel alignments, and install lift kits and other 4WD upgrades.

Air Conditioning
A properly functioning air conditioning system is practically necessary for driving in Australia’s warmer months. Nobody wants to be behind the wheel on a hot day without some form of relief.
Our team can service your vehicle’s air conditioning system, from replacing faulty aircon units and leaking hosing to cleaning out your vent system of dust and other buildup. Once we’re satisfied your system is clean and free of leaks, we’ll re-gas it with the refrigerants it needs to keep your vehicle cool all summer long.

Exhaust Repairs
Your exhaust is responsible for drawing spent air away from your vehicle’s engine bay and cabin, ensuring your engine has the clean air it needs to operate at peak efficiency, not to mention ensuring you and your passengers are as comfortable as possible on the road.
We can offer customers repairs for their existing exhaust solution, from stock model mufflers to custom headers and extractors. We can also replace spent filters to ensure clean air flow through your engine bay.

Clutch & Transmission
If you’re having trouble shifting gears or staying in gear, or experience strange noises and smells from underneath the car, the likely cause is an issue with your vehicle’s transmission. Problems with your vehicle’s transmission can quickly deteriorate into serious mechanical problems that affect your vehicle’s performance.
We provide a range of services for your vehicle’s drivetrain, from clutch repairs to manual and automatic transmission servicing. We can also conduct transmission fluid changes, to keep everything ticking over smoothly and without issue.

Cooling System
Keeping your engine cool is vital to maintaining a healthy vehicle. An overheating engine, on the other hand, can quickly lead to other mechanical issues, potentially causing a breakdown. If you think your vehicle might be overheating, the best thing to do is either pull over immediately or drive very carefully to your nearest workshop for an inspection of your cooling system.
We’re able to provide a host of services to your cooling system, from leak checks to replacement of faulty hosing, seals or radiator units, as well as repair damaged head gaskets.

Diagnostics & Auto Electrical
Vehicles have become more and more sophisticated in their use of electronics, and only the most committed and professional auto electricians can keep up with the fast-paced changes in modern vehicles’ electrical workings.
Our workshop is equipped with the latest in diagnostic scan tools, to help us isolate the problem area of your vehicle for repair. We also repair or replace faulty starter motors and alternators, as well as install a range of replacement batteries, solar panels and other power sources, and install a range of other accessories.

Your brakes are your vehicle’s most important safety feature, often making the difference between an emergency stop and an accident. Your brakes also suffer the most wear and tear of any area in your vehicle, however, and need regular checking.
We offer a range of brake services for all makes and models of vehicles, including replacement and restoration of brake pads, discs and drums, as well as machining of new pads and restorations to extend the life of your existing brake discs.

Finding the right tyres for your vehicle means more than just matching the make and model; to get the absolute most value for money, you should also consider your typical driving conditions. Sealed or unsealed roads, typical weather, even your own habits as a driver can affect the wear your tyre suffers.
We can recommend the perfect set of tyres from a range including some of Australia’s most trusted brands, as well as fit, balance and align your wheels for optimal handling and control on the road.

Fleet Services
We understand what it means for a small business to be without its company car or delivery vehicle. Every day a vehicle in your fleet is off the road is another day it’s not making your business money.
As the area’s local SG Fleet Centre, we provide towing services, spare parts and assistance for commercial customers, from maintenance plans and registration assistance to fuel cards, insurance assistance and much more.

Other Services
Our workshop provides a host of other services, including:
- Members of VACC’s Roadside Assist program, offering customers 24/7, 356-day assistance if they find themselves stranded anywhere in Australia (conditions apply)
- Repairs for caravans, trailers and agricultural equipment
- 24/7 in-house tow trucks to collect your vehicle if needed
- 24-hour roadside assistance throughout the Goulburn Valley area
- And much more